Holistic Approach to Optimize You

Happiness Coaching is a informal, yet sophisticated approach, to mental wellness. This coaching is suited for people that have high self-awareness and want to explore and expand their perception of present circumstances. By examining the impact of our current energetic connections, we can make leaps in consciousness, improve overall life satisfaction and accelerate goal achievement.

Psychonutrition focuses on identifying nutrient deficiencies that lead to biochemical imbalances. This behavioral evaluation results in an individual nutritional plan that targets your unique biochemical needs with compounds provided to support the brain and nervous system, and promote optimal thinking, desirable behavior and mood. Biochemistry is established through behavioral analysis, and review of existing lab work. At times, additional blood or urine testing may be recommended.

This 90 minute session explores insights gained through journey work, with emphasis given to creation of new thought patterns and application of skills, to maximize the therapeutic benefits and create alignment with one's goals.

Dynamic approach to therapy that focuses on Self-Discovery, and cognitive behavioral strategies to improve behavior, thoughts and emotions, leading to an improved experience of life.

Emotional Posture is a six session training series that that leads to rapid growth and transformation. You will learn how to cultivate a new emotional set point, changing your brain and cellular memory through a dedicated Mind-Body practice. Emotional Posture creates greater cognitive flexibility, adaptability, and improved emotional tone. Open the door to expansion and growth by releasing the influence of negative emotions and creating a contagious poise.
Book a Speaking/Teaching engagement to bring Consciousness Coaching and/or Emotional Posture Philosophy and Techniques to your organization. This method has demonstrated success by improving relational outcomes and increasing productivity and overall satisfaction in individuals. What is the Emotional Tone of your workflow?